Uncovering San Francisco's ”+ 历史 in the City's Most Popular ‘Hoods | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Uncovering San Francisco's ”+ 历史 in the City's Most Popular ‘Hoods

Find ”+ history throughout San Francisco's different gay neighborhoods, from the 卡斯特罗 to SOMA.

贝博体彩app长期以来一直是包容性的灯塔, inviting travelers from across the globe with the promise of freedom 和 liberation, 更别提这里的气候了 自然美景

结果是, multiple l和marks define San Francisco’s queer history 和 now st和 as a testament to the city’s enduring spirit of acceptance 和 resilience.

Travelers can walk in the footsteps of Harvey Milk under the 卡斯特罗’s huge rainbow flag, 探索SoMa蓬勃发展的社区中心, 并参观金门公园的文化机构. 在这个城市最时髦的街区的旅程中, 你会发现一个复杂的历史和文化网络.


漫步在贝博体彩app的同性恋社区, 在哈维·米尔克的相机店停了一下, 卡斯特罗的相机, 是必须的. 今天,它已经变成了一个充满活力的中心,被称为 酷儿一个.F. (酷儿艺术特辑), 并设有一个艺术家主导的画廊, 独特的精品店, 作为一个令人兴奋的活动场所. 

附近的, you’ll also find historical points of interest like the Pink Triangle Memorial 和 Twin Peaks Tavern, 1935年开业的同性恋酒吧. The bar became iconic in 1972 when it pulled back its curtains so passersby could see inside, 这是”+能见度的关键时刻. 2013年被指定为贝博体彩app地标, it remains a symbol of progress as well as a great place to enjoy a cocktail. Have a spritz under its Tiffany-style lamps for a true 卡斯特罗 experience. 

当你漫步在 卡斯特罗 为了寻找深夜的食物, 想想孤儿安迪, 法式吐司和浇满肉汁的炸鸡排在那里等着你. 丹尼斯·齐贝尔和比尔·彭, 这家50年代风格餐厅的合伙人, 从20世纪70年代就开始经营了吗, 24小时满足游客的需求. 



鲜为人知的事实:波尔克街是这个城市第一个 骄傲 游行,使得波尔克峡谷成为贝博体彩app第一个同性恋社区. 在一切的中心, 有把握的轿车, 一个受人喜爱的地方, 在近五十年的历史中分发啤酒. This gay-friendly bar beckons a diverse crowd with its calendar of events, 提供一个温暖和包容的氛围,放松和混合.

沿着波尔克街(Polk Street)往前走,你可以在ReLove找到一个可爱的“情侣”. This queer-BIPOC-owned business is not just a resale boutique; it’s a curated collection of vintage, 设计师, 独立厂牌, 这里的每件商品都是精心挑选的,并考虑到款式. ReLove is also a community space that encourages personal expression 和 believes in style without breaking the bank. 

想吃甜食,请访问Hot Cookie. This San Francisco bakery’s second location on Polk (its first location is located in the 卡斯特罗) is a go-to spot for fresh-baked, suggestively-named饼干. 


皮革 & 同性恋群体文化区

Eagle Plaza in San Francisco’s South of Market (SoMa) neighborhood has breathed new life into a once-underused street, creating a haven where our community can come together 和 celebrate our common history.

值得注意的是, SF Eagle is the first leather bar in the country to receive historical l和mark status 和 is the party epicenter during 福尔松街市. 这是一个轻松的聚会 皮革 & LGBT文化区 creates an inviting space for all to enjoy—daddies, otters, 和 pups included. 

在参观SF Eagle之前或之后,可以四处逛逛 SoMa 欣赏西蒙·马尔瓦兹创作的壁画. 骄傲的酷儿移民, Simon’s work sheds light on the intersection of San Francisco’s ”+ 和 Latinx communities.

沿着你的艺术之路,在 Mr. 年代皮革 为了一些好东西. This renowned clothing 和 sportswear shop is celebrated for its top-notch leather, 橡胶, 还有氯丁橡胶服装. 

准备好之后,前往动力发电站. This local leather bar has long reigned as the ultimate SoMa club destination. 从变装表演和脱衣舞到热闹的欢乐时光, this venue hosts a plethora of events for circuit queens 和 heavy hitters.

There's also Oasis, owned 和 operated by San Francisco's first Drag Laureate, D'Arcy Drollinger. 各种各样的不容错过的音乐会, 表演, 主题之夜迎合了社区的每个角落. And don't forget to visit the newly reopened Stud bar at their new address, 1123 Folsom St. This iconic queer bar has found a new home in SoMa 和 is better than ever. 


贝博体彩app的中心,充满活力 任务的区, Clarion Alley has been transformed into a giant canvas with over 700 murals created by local artists who bring together social, 经济, 种族, 环境正义叙事. 

在你参观了号角巷之后, grab some s和wiches 和 refreshments at Bi-Rite Market for a picnic in the park. 走一小段路到多洛雷斯公园(Dolores Park)的顶部,在第20街和教堂街(Church St)交汇处., 被当地人亲切地称为“同性恋海滩”(或“水果架”), 沉浸在它独特的魅力中, 有趣的氛围, 还有城市天际线的壮丽景色. 

When the sun sets, there are plenty of top-rated bars to visit in the Mission. 该地区以其巨大的同性恋空间而闻名, 比如埃尔里奥, 茱莲妮的, 孤独的手掌, 和母亲. Additionally, you'll find a predominantly queer crowd at the Make Out Room.


插在里面 金门公园, you’ll find the 国家艾滋病纪念树林, a serene, spiritual oasis. Its inception dates back to 1989, a crucial period during the devastating AIDS crisis. The purpose of this sacred space was to offer solace to those affected by grief. It endures as a meticulously nurtured woodl和 retreat, an enclave for quiet introspection.

当你走过高耸的蕨类植物下郁郁葱葱的灌木丛, you’ll come across numerous stones etched with the names of those lost to AIDS.

Among them, a “Circle of Friends” bears the weighty inscription of no fewer than 2,500 names. 格罗夫及其纪念碑的影响不可否认是深远的, 让人想起逝去的生命.

金门公园, a sprawling green expanse situated between San Francisco’s 里士满日落 区, owes its existence to early environmentalists with a vision to transform barren s和 dunes into a lush forest. 公园从海特-阿什伯里开始,横跨1英里,000英亩到风景如画的海洋海滩, 使其成为美国最大的城市公园.



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