Great Hotel Restaurants in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Hyatt Regency SF La Societe restaurant

Great Hotel Restaurants in San Francisco

Don't just stay here; eat here! Some of San Francisco's hotels are home to exceptional restaurants.

You're headed to San Francisco for its iconic views and signature swagger. 有传言说,没有什么比乘坐直升机在海湾上空观光,然后在中央市场喝一杯更好的了...传言是真的. 当然, you need to stay fueled up for your adventures in the City by the Bay, and your next good meal may be closer than you think. Thanks to an influx of culinary talent in the city, 酒店餐厅正着手寻找一些最好的美食家. 这里有一些酒店,除了新鲜的酸面包和Joe's Special之外,还提供餐饮.



呼吁所有亲英派: 的骑士 in 酒店Zetta is bringing upscale 英语 pub fare to San Francisco. 回收的大教堂灯光和抛光的大理石地板营造出适合女王的氛围, while the menu will satiate the hunger of even the most discerning diner. 从牡蛎和脆面包芽薯条开始你的烹饪之旅, and move on to a mind-blowing take on classic fish and chips.



The sign behind the bar at this 凤凰城酒店 这家餐厅的口号是“做个了不起的人”,看来这家餐厅把自己的建议牢记在心. 深色的装饰增添了美感 钱伯斯 a mysterious vibe to the dining room, while packed bookshelves and artistic lighting can make you feel at home. Spend your romantic evening enjoying the chef's tasting menu, 或者吃一份纽约牛排,或者配上蒜泥蛋黄酱和曼切果的家庭汉堡.



When you're looking to knock the socks off your date, 肮脏的习惯 in 酒店Zelos 是该去的地方吗. 它的屋顶位置使它比大多数贝博体彩app餐馆都有优势,有新鲜的空气和风景,可以让你开始用餐. 考虑到迷人的装饰和舒适的火坑的舒缓组合, you might just stay at the restaurant and bar until the last call. 与此同时, nosh on Chef Justin Koenig's international fare, including ricotta dumplings and foie gras torchon.



A fresh, farm-to-table breakfast at this establishment in the lobby of the 酒店的慢板 is a great way to start your day. 从煎蛋卷到馅饼, 艾略特的 准备好满足你的饮食偏好,无麸质,素食和素食的选择. Breakfast hours are 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. on weekdays and 7:00 - 11:00 a.m. 在周末. 艾略特的 also serves lunch, weekdays from 11:00 a.m. 至下午1时.m.

Interior of 艾略特的 at San Francisco's 酒店的慢板



This one Michelin star restaurant is in the 希尔顿55号公园 在联合广场. 金考是一个烹饪的宝石,拥有一个大胆的口味和正宗的地区菜肴与当地最好的食材精心制作的菜单. 从舒适芳香的五香鸭面汤到天鹅绒般顺滑的坤雅兔绿咖喱, 每一道菜都体现了厨师的奉献精神,将美味和正宗的泰国菜带到美国. Open for both lunch and dinner, 一定要预订,因为这个地方很受游客和当地人的欢迎. 

La societous酒吧 & 咖啡馆


新装修的 贝博体彩appSOMA凯悦酒店 展示了 La societous酒吧 & 咖啡馆, a contemporary French brasserie inspired by bountiful California produce. 探索他们的经典法国菜,在一个别致舒适的空间. 不要忘记尝试他们的法国和加利福尼亚葡萄酒的压倒性选择或他们的折衷鸡尾酒选择展示法国烈酒. Stop by for breakfast, happy hour, or try their impressive dinner menu. 




Located on the ground floor of the 酒店卡斯特罗, 大堂吧已经迅速成为当地人和游客寻找一个舒适的地方,鸡尾酒和美味的叮咬喜爱的地方. With its retro-chic ambiance, 酒吧提供鸡尾酒,从经典的创意转折到更不寻常的混合物. But don't let the name fool you; 大堂吧 has a full menu featuring delectable options like broccoli rabe flatbreads, 鸡karaage, and even their unique "caviar and chips."



卢斯 serves American cuisine, but we're not talking street cart hot dogs. On the contrary, this restaurant at the InterContinental San Francisco 提供精致的菜肴,从帝王鲑鱼到加州橄榄油水煮太平洋大比目鱼. 从大理石地板上的漩涡到食物的创意方式, 卢斯 makes your dining experience an artistic one.



驻扎在 四个季节, MKT takes its farm-to-table mission seriously; but it's not just the fresh eats that will have you coming back for more. 这家餐厅还拥有从五楼俯瞰贝博体彩app的绝佳景色, as well as some seriously genius craft cocktails. 甚至饮料的原料都来自当地,所以你会得到真正的当地体验. 抓起一张桌子,尽情地品尝皇家甜扇贝或烤剑鱼.

莫蒂默酒吧 & 休息室


Another great place to drop in at the 酒店的慢板 是他们的 莫蒂默酒吧 & 休息室. 该休息室以酒店的原始所有者命名,秉承了他对复杂和舒适的愿景. 特色工艺鸡尾酒和美味的小盘子使莫蒂默非常适合休闲悬挂或夜帽. 每日下午4时至10时开放.m.

莫蒂默酒吧内部 & 休息室 at San Francisco's 酒店的慢板



Natural lighting and sleek decor set the stage for your wonderful meal at OneUp,位于 君悦酒店. An upscale American bistro with a decidedly NorCal flavor, the menu here is curated by chef Kevin Villalovos. Using fresh ingredients and hearth ovens, the creative concoctions served include stout-braised short ribs, 平底锅烤照烧鲑鱼, 还有经典的cioppino. 周四到周日,你可以在用餐时欣赏当地艺术家的现场音乐.



位于 丽思卡尔顿酒店 and headed by Chef Michael Rotondo, 平行37 菜单上是否有本地食材和市场新鲜食品. The perfect place for a sophisticated night out, 餐厅对保持自然的承诺也体现在装饰上. 别致的石板地板和外露的木梁结合在一起,营造出时尚的氛围. The dinner menu has items such as herb-crusted rack of lamb, 有机烤鸡, 还有烤章鱼.



邮政室在里面 大灯塔 是一个酒廊、酒吧和全天用餐的目的地,散发着镀金时代的富裕气息. 这家餐厅带来了生活与当地来源的帮助地中海西部的味道, 的新鲜农产品. The menu features al dente pasta, 自然成熟的水果, 还有野生海鲜, using the best ingredients from California. 一系列的工艺鸡尾酒和专门的喷雾收集也可. Whether you're looking for a sit-down meal, 清淡的开胃酒, or an evening cocktail with your friends, 收发室 will be your new favorite hangout 在联合广场. 



三楼, a modern interpretation of the classic hotel lobby restaurant and bar, just opened at the new hotel, The Jay, Autograph Collection. 走进一个高档的,充满光线的环境,舒适的休息室提供全天用餐. Unwind on the outdoor terrace, 配有火坑和贝博体彩app标志性天际线的全景.


Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食! 



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