Accessible 购物 in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Shoppers walk through San Francisco's 联合广场.

Accessible 购物 in San Francisco

San Francisco's shopping scene is accessible to all. 在这里 are some of our favorite places around the city to shop.

无论你是喜欢大型购物中心的便利还是当地商店的魅力, San Francisco businesses prioritize inclusivity for their customers. 从 联合广场的 有轮椅便利设施的中心中心,到像瓦伦西亚这样的购物走廊, 海斯, 或哥伦布街, everyone can enjoy a delightful shopping experience in San Francisco.



这个商场,在 缆车 在鲍威尔街和市场街的转弯处,是一个完全无障碍的空间,有商店和餐馆. 这座历史建筑位于 联合广场 是否符合美国残疾人协会(ADA)的要求,包括电梯、无障碍入口和马路对面的美国残疾人协会停车位. 便利的BART和市政车站直接连接到商场的下层. The mall is open every day from 10:00 a.m. 直到晚上8点.m.




Although not a tourist hotspot, 这个位于贝博体彩app西部边缘的购物中心是一个极好的一站式购物目的地. It features major grocery stores, 大型百货公司, 流行品牌名称, and a variety of fantastic dining options. Conveniently situated off the 市政 M线,从联合广场和市中心到斯通镇非常方便. 此外,有充足的停车位,包括ADA空间在商场的停车场.




结合贝博体彩app最独特的社区之一,这里有各种各样的商店, 餐馆,以及娱乐场所. 整个商场, minus the arched bridge connecting the two sections, is fully accessible for anyone with mobility issues. Elevators and accessible restrooms are available throughout the mall. While the entrance is easily accessible, please note that the plaza has stone bricks, 这可能是不均匀的.




这个露天购物、餐饮和娱乐空间对每个人来说都很方便. Most 商店 and 餐厅 are located on the ground level, with additional options on the floors above. Each of the four towers features accessible elevators and escalators. 请注意,许多连接桥可能需要步骤才能访问. 在整个中心寻找大量的标志和目录来帮助你导航. 营业时间因企业不同而不同,请查看各企业的营业时间.


渡轮大厦 Marketplace


这座标志性的贝博体彩app地标已经完全更新,以满足所有可访问性需求. 你可以舒适地在室内市场和室外周末农贸市场中穿行. 如果需要,也可以使用电梯前往顶层的企业和办公室. 渡轮大厦 contains 商店 selling local handmade goods, 当地的餐馆, and provides access to the various ferry landings, all of which are fully accessible. Learn more about the accessible ferry options 在这里.




码头39, one of San Francisco's top attractions, 通过坡道和六部电梯,确保所有游客都能进入所有楼层. Wander through 码头39 to discover 商店 selling local handmade goods, 美味的当地小吃, 还有很棒的纪念品. 码头39全天开放,但各种商店和餐馆的营业时间可能有所不同. 在码头各处寻找指引方向和辅助设施的指示牌.




这家历史悠久的巧克力工厂进行了重大升级,以确保所有游客都能轻松出行. 探索广场, 商店, and 餐厅 for 当地的商品, 标志性的对待, and the perfect souvenir to take home! Please note that each business has its own hours of operation.



依偎在 里士满区, 克莱门特街 welcomes you with a vibrant mix of local 商店, 餐厅, and a year-round farmers market on Sundays. Known for its dynamic Chinese communities, this neighborhood boasts numerous unique stores offering Chinese goods, 炊具, 服装, 食物, 和更多的. The area has flat terrain with easily navigable sidewalks and crosswalks. While most places have accessible entrances, 一些较老或较小的场所可能会有较窄的通道,这可能会给导航带来挑战. 使用便利的公共交通工具或自己的交通工具在附近转转.


依偎在心 北海滩, 哥伦布街 buzzes with activity. 在这里, you'll discover a plethora of options to shop for one-of-a-kind items, 当地的商品, 名牌服装, 和更多的. 在电报山脚下的北滩,有许多带山的街道. However, most major shopping areas are on the wider, flatter streets. 附近有许多方便的公共交通站点,可以方便地在该地区移动.


这条繁华的走廊里到处都是很棒的商店、餐馆和夜生活. 探索令人惊叹的咖啡馆和商店,出售当地食品,糕点和包装商品带回家. While Divisadero is a main road that may experience traffic, the sidewalks and crosswalks are easily accessible and relatively flat. Many accessible bus lines run through the area, making it easy to get to and from this local shopping spot.



海斯谷, easily accessible by public transit, 提供了一个愉快的购物体验,在一个平坦的社区围绕着一个愉快的公园. 探索海耶斯街的当地商店的家居用品,设计师服装,和烹饪的乐趣. Please note: while most stores are fully ADA compliant, some might have a small lip or step at their entrance. Easily get around the area utilizing public transit or your own car. T在这里 are parking garages in the area, as well as limited street parking.


海特街平坦的地形确保了每个人都能享受橱窗购物和沉浸其中 嬉皮独特的性格. This local hub is perfect for finding a new outfit, 理想的纪念品, or some "medicinal" products to try. While most businesses are ADA compliant, please be aware that some may have a step-up entry and narrow aisles. 你可以很容易地利用附近的交通线路或你自己的车. Parking is limited in this residential area.


探索 one of SF's trendiest areas on 联合街, a haven for designer home goods, 服装, 及配件. 这条平坦的街道有清晰的人行道和便利的商店,确保了导航的便利性. 虽然大多数地方都遵守ADA标准,但有些地方可能有一个步骤或门槛. Convenient 市政 transportation allows for seamless travel. 别忘了在街上的美味餐厅尽情享受美食,为你的疯狂购物充电.


探索 the flat, easily navigable 任务的区 for a truly local shopping experience. 拥有广泛的, 平坦的人行道, 可访问的人行横道, 还有许多当地的商店, 瓦伦西亚街道 offers a quintessentially San Francisco shopping adventure. 我们的居民是出了名的好,所以只要向店主和员工寻求帮助就行了. 便利的交通枢纽位于Mission街和16街附近, as well at Mission and 24th streets.


日落 is a local neighborhood that demands to be explored. At the intersection of 第九大道 and Irving Street, 你会发现当地的商店, 餐厅, 咖啡馆等. 这个平坦的社区很容易导航,几乎所有的企业都可以到达. 市政 N线正好穿过这个社区,提供了方便的往返交通.


Aaron is the Manager of Digital & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食! 
